Where to go for repairs on your mobile home
There are several online review type websites that tout having a good handle on getting a quality repairman to your home for less money and in less time.
One company is Repair.com - I have never used them, and I don't get anything from referring them. However, they seem to have the process down and are worth a look.
There was recently some news about them:
"Repair.com, which lets online users schedule appointments to get their televisions and home appliances fixed, is expanding into the top 50 U.S. markets today, taking advantage of two growing niches: hyper-local services and online scheduling. Posing a challenge to competitors that include Angie’s List, the site allows consumers who do not have warranties on their product to view and compare open appointments for TV and home appliance repair workers in their area. Consumers can then book an appointment at a desired time either online or by a toll-free phone number."
This article was written by Teresa Novellino
Read the full article here: http://www.portfolio.com/views/blogs/daily-brief/2012/06/01/repairs-site-expands-to-50-cities
Having a reputable place to locate repairmen is of great value. However, it should not replace the old stand by method of asking your friends and neighbors for referals. When some one does a good job, people will spread the word. These are often the best people to hire.
Any thoughts or ideas on this subject? Have you used Repair.com? Tell us here!
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