Trailer Homes
What is a Trailer
Trailer Homes are not Mobile Homes or Manufactured
Homes. They are usually still on wheels and axles, even though they are
commonly found in some lower-end Mobile Home parks.
You will recognize one by the small size, hitch
showing, external
propane tanks, running lights, and wheels still attached.
A typical Trailer

Notice the propane tanks
on the hitch
This unit is in a Mobile Home park with similar
homes, Single Wide Mobile Homes, and a few Double Wide
Mobile Homes. This home is not intended to be moved, but does
not fall under the Mobile Home definition - see below for
title and lending issues.
Another example of a Trailer

Notice the hitch looks
ready to hook up to a truck
A fifth wheel can be a Trailer

This is common in some
This fifth wheel is ready to be hauled away if
needed, so
you can see that a Trailer Home can be more or less permanent.
A normal size for a Trailer Home
is less than 600 square feet. Although with an addition or push-out
they can become larger inside.
Title and Lending
The main differences are that Trailer Homes do not
qualify for normal Mobile Home financing and the ownership records
(title) is not handled by the Department of Houseing and Urban
Development (HUD), they are handled by the same agencies on the State
level that handle automobiles (DMV in California).
Financing, therefore, is similar to auto,
motorcycle, or trailer financing. Most Mobile Home lenders
will not lend on a Trailer Home. By Will Cunningham
Additional Manufactured Home Info
Here are some related topics, click on the
underlined words for more information.
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