Small Mobile Homes
Park Models and
Small Single Wides
Small Mobile Homes are very common and an
inexpensive option for a lot of people. The best thing about
them is their low cost and flexible amenities.
These homes are built almost completely in the
and transported as a complete unit. They are built on a
single trailer chasis. Very little assembly is required and
final set up is very quick.
Most Smaller Manufactured Homes are either a Park Model, a small Single Wide, or a Trailer Home.
A new Park Model

Log Cabin look
These types of homes are normally under the vehicle code and
governed by the State's Vehicle Department, such as the DMV in
These sized homes are usually under 600
square feet, most are one bed room and one bath room, and financing can
be difficult to obtain and expensive.
An older Trailer Home

A small, older mobile
A Log Cabin Park Model

A great second home
Another Log Cabin home

New park model ready to
Size and dimensions
A normal dimension for a smaller mobile or
manufactured home
is as follows:
10 feet across
or smaller
40 feet long or
So the typical area inside is 400
Related Info
Here are some related topics, click on the
underlined words for more information.
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