San Diego, California
by John DL Arendsen
(San Diego, California)
TAG Real Estate Sales & Investments 2982 Ora Avo Terrace, Vista, CA 92084 1900 North Coast Highway, Leucadia, CA 92024 888 503-3117 Cell: 760 815-6977 email: onthelevel@cox.net Website: http://www.tagrealestatesales.com
TAG is full service family owned and operated Real Estate Brokerage, Manufactured Home Dealer, General & Manufactured Home Contractor, Developer, architectural, interior design, landscaping, Investment and Property Management Company with over 100 years of combined experience in San Diego and California.
We specialize but are not limited to the Factory Built Housing Industry be it a HUD Manufactured Home, Modular Home, Pre Fabricated, Kit Home or site built home we provide a one stop, turn key package.
We can find and purchase a lot or parcel of land and build the home of your choice. Or we can remove an existing trailer, mobile home or manufactured home and replace it with a brand new state-of-the art home of your choice.
We are also the Founder and operators of:
ON THE LEVEL GENERAL CONTRACTORS INC http://www.onthelevelcontractors.com
CREST HOMES Manufactured Home Dealer & Developer
MH-Processing LLC http://www.mh-processing.com
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