rent control kept in place - Santee CA
Read the full article here: http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/jun/07/rent-hike-for-mobile-home-spaces-rejected/
This link will take you to an article where the residents of a mobile home park have breathed a sign of relief when the Santee Manufactured Home Fair Practices Commission decided not to allow the owners of the mobile home park in question to raise the rents above and beyond what the City of Santee already decided in 1994 - to keep mobile home park rents low.
Granted, the current rents of this park are only in the mid $300 per month range - which is very low for California. Rents can climb as high as $800 to $2000 or more in some parks along the beach.
But the fact is, the type of people who buy and live in mobile homes tend to not be able to afford huge rent increases percentage-wise.
This is a hot debate now, and has been for years. You can bet it will be for years to come.
Park owners want to get a fair value for the land then own, and the residents who live in the park want to be treated fairly with only small increases to their rent that are justified by only the costs of running the park.
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