Mobile Home Transport
Mobile Home transport and moving
What you need to know
Most Mobile Home Transport companies are small
local operators that cover a few hundered miles. Most, if not
all, of their business comes from dealers who need to move old homes
off a space and a new home on to the space.
Now, hiring a mover is basically the same as
hiring any contractor. Look for obvious warning signs, most
of which are just as simple as a lack of professionalism (no website,
dirty old equipment, etc.).
Make sure of these simple things:
Ask for previously helped customers and call
Get every thing in writing
Ask for their insurance and license information
What a good mover will do for you
A good Mobile Home Transport company will do an on
site inpection of the home to be moved, give you a good quote, and tell
you want is involved. They will also require that all items
be removed from the home - this is for your protection and
Typically, a good mover will handle all the
details of break down and set up (if needed) or disposal (if needed).
By Will Cunningham
Mobile Home Transport
Use professional movers
How to find one
Well, hopefully you have taken our advice above
and are not trying to do this your self, meaning coordinating the
removal and set up, nor coordinating the purchase from a factory and
moving and set up - this can only get you in trouble.
A good mover will help you in this area.
Some can act as a general contractor and handle everything
for you. Some will just move a Mobile Home to and from where
it needs to go.
If you are using a dealer then they will have
Mobile Home Transport companies that they use consistantly.
However, if you are on your own, then there are two ways to
locate one: Simple Yellow Pages (good luck), or the internet!
If you are in California, try calling our recommended dealer
- he will help you out - click
here to see pictures of new homes being moved.
Click here to look up a good transport
company at the online Yellow Pages
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