Tips on Mobile Home repair, decorating,
remodeling, and parts
Simple Mobile Home repair, decorating, remodeling,
and the parts you need to complete these are found here.
Additional information is broken down here:
Mobile Home repair
9 times out of 10, a repair to a Mobile Home is
the same as for a regular home - plumbing, flooring, wiring, etc. all
are very similar and most parts are inter-changable.
Very few repairs are going to be specific to a
Mobile Home. We will be listing here various, common repairs that come
up time and again.
Common repairs
One common upgrade is
Earthquake bracing

This upgrade may be
required if you want Earthquake insurance
Mobile Home
Mobile Home remodeling is usually extensive, covering many of the homes
areas (walls, floors, ceilings, plumbing, wiring, etc).
With many of
the Mobile Homes out there being older (1970-1980), most of these homes
should be completely replaced. However, some may still be
salvagable with an extensive remodel.
Mobile Home repair is different than remodeling - repairs are simple
fixes, whereas a remodel is extensive.
Typically a remodel will make the home much more enjoyable to live in,
but keep in mind that 99% of the time you will NOT get the money out of
the home that you put into it - only remodel if you cannot replace the
home. By Will Cunningham
about upgrading your restroom?
Browse through several bathroom sinks and vanities and
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Mobile Home
here for our recommended source for Mobile Home Parts
Click here for our parts page
Additional Manufactured Home info