Manufactured home living - go green today
Everyone wants to save money and the environment, right? Well there are many things we can all do starting today to save money while also cutting back on energy usage and waste. Therefore helping our pocket book and the Earth at the same time.
You may be doing some of these now, but maybe not! Check out this list:
"Consider using eco-friendly cleaners for everyday use - these cleaners are free from harsh chemicals and other toxins.
• Replace your light bulbs with Compact florescent bulbs, LEDs, or other energy efficient bulbs. • This might sound like an easy one - but think about buying secondhand. Reusing furniture, appliances, and other items that are gently used rather than buying new saves resources, room in landfills, and your own money as well!
• At one point or another, your mom or dad chased you around the house turning off all the lights, asking why EVERY single light in the house was on! Now, you understand the reason - simply turning off the lights, opening the shades and blinds, and letting in the natural light can help save tons of energy! Try it today.
• Be sure to check for cracks, holes and leaks in pipes, appliances, windows and more. This may be allowing more heat or air conditioning to escape, or water to waste. If you find any damage, repair as soon as possible and save yourself money in the long run, and do your part for the environment, too."
Read the full list here: http://www.mobileandmodularhomes.com/2011/12/go-green-in-your-mobile-home.html
There are tons more things we all can do every day. Do you have any more? List them here! We want to know what you think. What other ways can you go green while living in a manufactured home?
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