Manufactured home insurance - storm warning!
Before Summer storm season hits, it is time to check the condition of your manufactured home. Here is a good list of where to start:
"With summer storm season approaching, Manufactured Home Insurance Specialist provides a list of suggestions for Mobile Home owners to prepare to reduce losses. "Historically, we see a rise in claims during the summer months due to wind, flooding, and other weather related losses. We have several suggestions to help our customers prepare in the event that they face potential storm losses this summer" stated Nate Watson, COO of International Insurance Group, Inc.
Those suggestions include:
1. Prepare a secure, portable, waterproof file (such as a large ziploc bag) to store cell phones, batteries, chargers, medications, and important documents such as insurance policies. 2. Clean the yard. Flying debris and overturned trees are the source of many losses. Trees should be pruned back, and braced with wood stakes and rope. 3. Protect windows. Consider replacing old windows with newer, storm proof windows. Also consider installing storm shutters.
Manufactured Home home owners can learn more, and also obtain free insurance quotes in every state, by visiting http://www.iigins.com/mobile-home-insurance"
To read the full article visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/6/prweb9573347.htm
Make sure your home is in good condition now before a big storm hits! Your home is your biggest asset (in most cases), take care of it and don't let Mother Nature ruin it for you.
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