Does a mobile home installation bring down a neighborhood?
Here is an article I just found focusing on the question of whether or not a mobile home (or a whole mobile home park) would support or bring down the value of a neighborhood.
This story is about the City Council voting and discussing this question.
"Councilman Celo Faucette said Mitchell had, in fact, cleaned up the first property as he’d promised, and asked Mitchell if he’d received any comments. “We’ve had nothing but compliments since the first one’s set up,” said Mitchell, adding he’d be maintaining the second mobile home and its property the same way. Huffman said he appreciated the fact that Mitchell had cleaned up the property where the first mobile home went, but stated that’s a property-owner’s responsibility anyway. “It’s your property – you should be cleaning it up,” he said. Burlington resident and former council candidate Jeannie Thompson, who had spoken in favor of the first mobile home two years ago, said it took too long for the property to get cleaned up, and that there were already enough mobile homes nearby at a mobile home park on Durham Street. “You don’t know who’s going to move in,” said Thompson. “We do not need more trailers setting up on Durham Street.” Actually, Mitchell said, he does know the family that would be moving into the second mobile home, and Mitchell assured he’d keep the area looking well-kept. “I didn’t spend all this money to mess up what I’ve cleaned up,” he said. Nonetheless, Burlington Planning Director Bob Harkrader pointed out that mobile homes aren’t built to the same standards as “stick built” homes. He agreed mobile homes are a very viable option for families looking acquire their own homes inexpensively. “There is no question that manufactured housing … (is) an affordable way to get people into homes quickly,” said Harkrader. But, he said, “I’m not convinced over the long term that it’s the best thing for the neighborhood,” adding that city staff had recommended denial of the rezoning request for the same reason. However, the Planning and Zoning Commission had voted 8-1 to recommend approval of the request. Huffman said, “You’re basically writing off a neighborhood,” by bringing in more mobile homes, and suggested building stick built homes through Habitat for Humanity as an alternative. Mitchell said his mobile homes will be maintained better than the quality of the mobile home park Thompson referenced, which he said “aren’t fixed up near as nice as the one I just did.” Mayor Ronnie Wall said he recognized that times are tough and people without homes need affordable housing options, but understands the concern for the neighborhood’s property value."
Read the full article here:
This was the Burlington City Council public hearing meeting recently.
I think that they are arguing a good point, with a bad focus. I think it should not be that the home was mobile/modular/manufactured, but the condition of the home and the exterior upkeep was the difference in if the neighborhood suffered or benefited from this home.
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